
Found 100 results containing the words:about
  • Update: MET/CAL version 11.0.3 for MET/CONNECT version 2.1.1

    Document(s): MET/CAL 11.0.3 Read Me (446.33 KB)MET/CAL Accuracy Files (1018.22 KB)MET/CAL version 11.0.3 User Guide (21.43 MB)MET/CAL version 11.0.3 Reference Guide (21.45 MB)MET/CAL v11.0.3 for MET/CONNECT v2.1.1This update is not for MET/TEAM Customers. The MET/TEAM version of this release is available here.Current MET/CONNECT Customers:MET/CAL version 11.0.3 release is an update to previous MET/CAL software. This update includes critical bug fixes.Refer to the Readme for important information...

  • Jeff Gust Reflects on the Importance of Trust in Calibration

     I just watched this “Fluke Takes Flight” video, in which Fluke Calibration customer Pete Burgio gives us insights into his life and his career as a lead calibration technician for a major airline. One of the things I found interesting is that Pete uses the word “trust” several times throughout the video. That got me thinking about how important it is to trust the measurements we make. And how calibration is a vital part of that ensuring that trust.Calibration helps keep our world up, running...

  • Temperature Measurement and Calibration Resource Center

    A collection of helpful resources for temperature calibration in manufacturing and industry.If you would like to get a quote on a new temperature calibrator, you can do that here:Request a quoteTemperature Calibration ToolsIndustrial Temperature Calibration Selection GuideSelection guide featuring tools for industrial instrumentation and calibration technicians.Thermocouple Table Voltage CalculatorSelect one of the 8 letter-designated thermocouple types from the console, type any temperature within...

  • Frequently Asked Questions for Temperature Calibration Software

    Quick Links-Download Demos, Updates, Service Releases, etc.Technical SupportQuestions about Fluke Calibration Temperature software? This page answers some of the most common questions concerning our software products.All Fluke Calibration temperature calibration software:Q. What version of Windows® is required to run Fluke Calibration Temperature software?A. Please refer to the table below for Windows® compatibility information for the latest version of each software indicated: Software \ Windows®98/98SENT4...

  • Three methods for calibrating temperature sensors: pros and cons

    There are three common methods for calibrating temperature sensors:Calibrating just the electronics with a simulatorCalibrating both the electronics and the sensor in a dry-wellCalibrating both the electronics and the sensor in a dry-well with a reference thermometerHere is a quick look at these methods and the pros and cons of each.Calibrating just the electronics with a simulatorTo calibrate the electronics of a temperature measurement/control system, a temperature simulator takes an input temperature...

  • Infrared Thermometer Calibration - A Complete Guide

    With proper setup and planning, infrared thermometer calibrations can be accurate. The steps outlined below should be followed to perform accurate infrared thermometer calibrations. Much of the information presented here is contained in ASTM E2847, “Standard Practice for Calibration and Accuracy Verification of Wideband Infrared Thermometers.”Sources of uncertaintyThere are several sources of uncertainty which contribute greatly to an infrared thermometer calibration. These sources are summarized...

  • Why is Calibration Important?

    Table of ContentsWhy is calibration important?The importance of calibration in the futureDifferent perspectives on the significance of calibrationThe benefits and purpose of calibrationWhat are the costs and risks of not calibrating?Summary / TL;DRWhy is calibration important?Calibration is important because it helps ensure accurate measurements, and accurate measurements are foundational to the quality, safety and innovation of most products and services we use and rely on every day.Few people realize...

  • World Metrology Day message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust

    World Metrology Day 2014A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff GustWorld Metrology Day commemorates the signing of the Meter Convention on May 20, 1875. Those who are dedicated to metrology, the science of measurement, recognize this day each year as their time to celebrate the importance of measurements. Fluke Corporation joins enthusiastically in this annual celebration, as we have a long history of dedication to metrology. The theme for World Metrology Day 2014 is “Measurements...

  • World Metrology Day celebrates “Measurements in daily life”

    Annual global event highlights why measurement matters in everyday lifeEverett, Wash., May 20, 2013 – On May 20th, scientists and organizations dedicated to metrology celebrate World Metrology Day, which commemorates the signing of the international treaty to coordinate weights and measures activities and support the development of the metric system. Fluke Corporation recognizes World Metrology Day as a time to appreciate the scientists in national laboratories throughout the world who dedicate...

  • World Metrology Day 2017: A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust

    World Metrology Day 2017A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff GustOn May 20 each year, we celebrate the history and the future of metrology, the science of measurement. The date commemorates the 1875 signing of the Meter Convention, which set the framework for global collaboration in measurement science.The theme for World Metrology Day 2017 is Measurements for Transport, so we focus our thoughts on the many modes of transportation that depend on critical measurements to keep them...

  • World Metrology Day 2016 message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust

    World Metrology Day 2016A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff GustWorld Metrology Day commemorates the signing of the Meter Convention on May 20, 1875. The Treaty of the Meter established one uniform and global measurement system, enabling advances in science and technology as well as making international trade easier. It took humanity from a time where weights and measures could vary significantly from one country to another--or even from one town to another--to the point where we...

  • World Metrology Day 2015 Message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust

    World Metrology Day 2015A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff GustWorld Metrology Day commemorates the signing of the Meter Convention on May 20, 1875. We who are dedicated to metrology, the science of measurement, celebrate the importance of measurements on this day. We also like to use this day to evangelize and talk about measurements and why they are so interesting and important to us all.The theme for World Metrology Day 2015 is “Measurements and Light,” which got me thinking...

  • World Metrology Day 2013 Message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff Gust

    World Metrology Day 2013A message from Fluke Chief Corporate Metrologist Jeff GustScientists and engineers dedicated to metrology (the science of measurements) celebrate May 20 as World Metrology Day. On May 20 1875, representatives from seventeen nations signed an international treaty to coordinate weights and measures activities internationally and to support the development of the metric system. The theme for World Metrology Day 2013 is “Measurements in daily life.” In keeping with this year’s...

  • 1594A/1595A Firmware update version 1.22

    1594A/1595A Firmware update version 1.22 (.ud)Title: 1594A & 1595AVer: 1.22/1.02Use with: All 1594A & 1595ADate Modified: 2/20/2014Description of the change:  It was recently determined that when a customer selects the “Restore Factory Default” button in the Config Menu, the resistor calibration values are reset to the default values without requiring a password or notification to the customer that the values are being reset. Engineering has investigated this issue and the instrument firmware...

  • COMPASS Example Set Up Database

    COMPASS Example Set Up Database (.mdb)About COMPASS ExamplesCOMPASS examples are existing setups that are used as a guide to help add a new device to COMPASS.  There are 2 types of examples: those that appear directly in the DUT and/or Support Device Editors and those that do not.  Only a few examples are visible in the device editors.  This is in an attempt to minimize the confusion between various COMPASS setups.  The majority of the COMPASS examples are not directly visible to the user. ...

  • TableWare Software Download

    TableWare Version 3.0 Installer (6.74 MB)TITLEVERLinksTableWare3.0Product PageDescriptionWhen downloaded, this file can be run to install TableWare. There is no free demo/trial version of TableWare. In order to install TableWare, you must purchase the software and obtain a serial number. The installation process prompts you to enter the serial number. The serial number will be located on a sticker on the CD pouch. Optionally, the serial number can be emailed to you upon request.SummaryYou know about...

  • RPM4 v1.01I Embedded Software

    RPM4 v1.01I Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHNOT FOR USE WITHRPM4™1.01I2019.04.28RPM4Note: If you have a special RPM4model use these links:RPM4-AD™RPM4-AF™RPM4-E-DWT A70M/A7M-AF™RPM4-E-DWT™Please contact our Calibration and Repair department at 602.773.4782 if you recently upgraded to version 1.01f or plan to upgrade from 1.01f to another version. The upgrade path from 1.01f may cause a potentially significant metrological error.Instructions:Download the file.Run Winflash and select...

  • PPC2+ v2.02f Embedded Software

    PPC2+ v2.02f Embedded Software (.bin)TITLEVERUSE WITHPPC2+™2.02f2002.08.13PPC2+TITLEVERUSE WITHPPC2+™2.02f2002.08.13PPC2+Instructions:Do Not use with PPC2-AF!Download the file.Run Winflash and select the file downloaded as the file to write to the product.Make sure the correct COM port of the product is connected to a RS232 port on the host PC. Use a null modem cable to COM2 port of PG7000 Piston Gauge. Use a standard RS232 cable to COM1 port of PPC, PPC, RPM and molbox.If your product has an...

  • MET/TEAM® v2.2 and MET/CAL® v9.1 Software Trial: Trial software terms and conditions

    The Trial version of MET/TEAM and MET/CAL software is a time-limited version for evaluation purposes by potential customers. It contains a defined cutoff of 60 days with a countdown displayed on the application login and expiration date on the About dialog.Users can no longer log into the application once the Trial elapses.The Trial version includes licenses for:Three MET/TEAM, Customer PortalMET/CAL and MET/TEAM Mobile usersActivation of Customer Portal and Commerce modules The 60-day trial period...

  • LabVIEW Drivers, Pressure and Flow Calibration Products

    LabView® drivers for Pressure and Flow Calibration Products:6270A Modular Pressure Controller/Calibrator »  LabView® drivers for Pressure and Flow Calibration Products:6270A Modular Pressure Controller/Calibrator » 7250 Series Pressure Controller/Calibrator » 7615 Hydraulic Pressure Controller/Calibrator » 7750i Air Data Test Set » molbox1+ Mass Flow Terminal » PPC4 Pressure Controller/Calibrator » PPCH Hydraulic Pressure Controller/Calibrator » RPM4 Reference Pressure...

  • GFSTools PC Based Software

    GFSTools PC Based Software (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHGFSTools™1.012010.12.03GFS 2102DescriptionGFS Tools is a PC based application used to operate the GFS 2102 Gravimetric Flow Standard.  SummaryGFS Tools is the PC based interface to the GFS 2102. All necessary features are included to log data for up to 2 DUTs in comparison to the GFS from 1 sccm of N2 to 10 slm of N2. Options are provided to set manual or automatic flows using an MFC and to define a test sequence of flow points to fully automate...

  • FlukeView® Forms Demo/Reader Software Downloads

    FlukeView® Forms Demo/Reader Software Downloads (.exe)You can download the free Demo/Reader version of FlukeView® Forms from this page. It allows you to open any FlukeView® Forms file and view or edit data that has been saved by a FlukeView® Forms user. It also allows you to see how data can be displayed, formatted, printed and saved in FlukeView® Forms.This demonstration software does not include the FlukeView® Forms Designer, which allows you to customize your forms.System Requirements for...

  • COMPASS® for Pressure Version 3 Release Notes

    Download COMPASS® for PressureVersion 3 Releases3.00.43 (SP1) (2011.02.11)ADDCP-802Support PG7000 and PG9000 models that respond with FLUKE as the manufacturer.CHGCP-793An automated PG7000/PG9000 system with a PPC and AMH will use ATM as the minimum pressure when exercising in a test that is run in Absolute by ATM.3.00.42 (SP1) (2010.07.07)ADDCP-689Support alternate units of measure and temperature references for the Piston Cylinder effective area.ADDCP-775Added new instruments to the default database.CHGCP-786When...

  • COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Download/Upgrade

    COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Demo (.exe)COMPASS for molbox PC Based Software Upgrade (.exe)TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28TITLEVERUSE WITHCOMPASS®for molbox™4.062010.10.28molbox1, molbox1+, molbox RFMDescriptionThis download file provides 100 hours of fully functioning use of COMPASS for molbox. Licensed users can download this file to upgrade from a previous version of COMPASS for molbox.  SummaryCOMPASS for molbox is a complete flow calibration software package...

  • CalTool for RPTs Free Utility

    CalTool for RPTs Free Utility (57.61 MB)TITLEVERUSE WITHDOCUMENTSCalTool™ for RPTs Free Utility1.10.0.252021.05.11PG7000, PPC2, PPC2+, PPC2 AF, PPC3, PPC4, PPCK, PPCK+, RPM1, RPM3, RPM4, PPCH, PPCH-G, molbox1, molbox RFMCalTool for RPTs uses an on line HTML help system that is installed with the program. Install and run CalTool then select the [Help] menu to access the help system.(Note: As a result of PC specific security settings the help may not display correctly when viewed over the Internet....

  • 917X Firmware

    9170 Firmware (.zip)Additional Downloads:9171 Firmware (.zip)9172 Firmware (.zip)9173 Firmware (.zip)Title:917X FirmwareVersions:9170: Ver. 1.209171: Ver. 1.209172: Ver. 1.209173: Ver. 1.20Use with:All 9170, 9171, 9172 and 9173Date Modified:1/1/2012Download Requirements:          Locate a computer with an available RS-232 COM port, with Windows XP or newer operating system.Locate an RS-232 Null modem cable and connect one end of the cable to the instrument, the other end to the RS-232 serial...

  • 9142/9143/9144 ver 1.35 firmware update

    9142 US/EU ver 1.35 firmware update (.zip)Additional Downloads:9142 Asia ver 1.35 firmware update (.zip)9143 US/EU ver 1.35 firmware update (.zip)9143 Asia ver 1.35 firmware update (.zip)9144 US/EU ver 1.35 firmware update (.zip)9144 Asia ver 1.35 firmware update (.zip)Download appropriate file from above. See "Instructions" below to determine correct file. Title914x Ver 1.35 UpdateVer1.35/1.35Use withAll 9142/9143/9144 Field Metrology Wellswith internal reference readout (–P option)Date Modified18-May-2012Description...

  • 8270A/8370A Embedded Software

    8270A/8370A Embedded Software (.zip)TITLEUSE WITH8270A/8370A8270A/8370AThe updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from Technical Support or a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.If the update isn't performed properly, your product may be inoperable until it is.Instructions to update by the USB port on the rear panel of the 8270A/8370AUpdating the firmware (embedded software) of an 8270A or 8370A pressure controller requires only a...

  • 6270A Embedded Software, Update by USB

    6270A Embedded Software, Update by USB (.zip)Additional Downloads:6270 PCM v104 USB (.zip)Click here to update by serial RS-232 port.TITLEUSE WITH6270A6270AThe updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from Technical Support or a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.If the update isn't performed properly, your product may be inoperable until it is.Instructions to update by the USB port on the rear panel of the 6270AUpdating the PCM (Pressure...

  • 6270A Embedded Software, Update by Serial RS-232 Port

    6270A Embedded Software, Update by Serial RS-232 Port (.zip)Click here to update by USB.TITLEUSE WITH6270A6270AThe updating of embedded software should only be performed after given specific instructions to do so from Technical Support or a Fluke Calibration Authorized Service Center.If the update isn't performed properly, your product may be inoperable until it is.Instructions to update by the RS-232 serial port on the rear panel of the 6270AThe below procedure updates the main firmware. Updating...

  • 4181 Firmware Update

    4181 Firmware Update (.zip)Title:4181 Firmware UpdateVer:1.14/1.15Use with:4181Date modified:04/22/2021Description of the change:Firmware updated to support a Heater reconfiguration due to excessive heater damage. This fix reduces the maximum duty cycle of the Gradient heaters during Ramp as well as at Steady state conditions. This is used in conjunction with hardware changes to Heater and insulation configuration.Recalibration of unit is not required with this update when using the initial Block...

  • 4180 Firmware Update v. 1.14

    4180 Firmware Update v. 1.14 (.zip)Title:                  4180 Ver 1.14 UpdateVer:                    1.14/1.10Use with:           4180Date Modified:  03/07/2013Description of the change:  Firmware updated to fix a bug found in the SetPt menu screen when operating the F4 disable key in release Vers 1.13/1.10.Changed the unit operation to use the Emissivity from the active program when operating a program. Recalibration of unit is not required with...

  • 1620A Firmware Update v. 1.15

    1620A Firmware Update v. 1.15 (.exe)Title:1620A Firmware UpdateVer:1.15Use with:All 1620ADate Modified:7/23/2013Description of the change: NoneDownload Requirements:          Locate a computer with an available RS-232 COM port, with Windows XP or newer operating system.Locate an RS-232 Null modem cable and connect one end of the cable to the instrument, the other end to the RS-232 serial port on the computer. Note: If your computer only has USB serial interface, an adapter from USB...

  • 1529 Firmware Update v. 2.04/1.00

    1529 Firmware Update v. 2.04/1.00 (.zip)Title:                  1529 Main FirmwareVer:                    2.04/1.00Use with:           1529Date Modified:  9/5/2012Description of the change: NoneDownload Requirements:          Locate a computer with an available RS-232 COM port, with Windows XP or newer operating system.Locate an RS-232 Null modem cable and connect one end of the cable to the instrument, the other end to the RS-232 serial...

  • Proper calibration of industrial temperature process systems

    Temperature measurement is a critical parameter in many industrial processes. As a result, these processes generally use installed thermometers or temperature transducers. Proper calibration of these installed systems has always presented a challenge. Traditionally, simulators are used to provide in-situ calibration of the electronic portions of these systems. Although this is a valid technique for the calibration of the electronics, considerable inaccuracies are introduced by the sensor itself.The...

  • 加入我们

    关于福禄克美国500强FORTIVE集团下属全资子公司;全球知名的电子测试工具及其软件供应商;始于1948年, 业务遍布世界100多个国家,75年匠心制造,1250+产品,1497项专利;1978年进入中国,全国共18个分公司或联络处。 加入福禄克,成就美好职涯未来扫码投递福禄克热招职位如暂未有合适职位,也可通过邮箱:RecruitingChina@fluke.com与福禄克招聘团队取得联系,期待你的来信。 我们的文化作为福迪威的子公司,Fortive9同样也是福禄克的领导力模式。不仅代表了我们的能力和目标,也是我们开展业务的方式。它是每一位福禄克人每天工作当中身体力行的事情,帮助我们在一个迅速变化的世界里共同取得成功。我们创造核心技术,为客户提供坚实的安全保障和智能解决方案。•...

  • 世界技能组织

    Fluke 279FC热成像万用表

  • Fluke 750 SW DPC/TRACK2 软件

    无论您计划每年200次或2000多次校准,福禄克的DPCTrack2™ 校准管理软件将节省您的时间,并确保数据完整性,利用您的福禄克740或新的750系列校准器的记录功能

  • C50 软携包


  • 故障排除指南

    .tech-support-cards { display: grid; grid: 1fr 1fr / 1fr 1fr; gap: 30px; padding-bottom: 50px; } .tech-support-card { background-color: #fff; border: 1px solid #000; padding: 15px; } @media screen and (max-width: 500px) { .tech-support-cards { display: block; } .tech-support-card { margin-bottom: 20px; } } USA Technical Support I want to talk to someone. Speak to a Technical Support Specialist: 800-87-FLUKE (800-873-5853) For Calibration Product Technical Support: 877-355-3225 I am looking...

  • 校准服务

    CalNet®: The European Specialist in Calibration Fluke has its own calibrations laboratories in the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Germany, and authorized service partners in most of the other countries in Europe. All These calibration laboratories work together as a single calibration network: CalNet. CalNet can issue the calibration certificates you need to meet ISO 9000 standards. CalNet guarantees traceability and access to the best calibration facilities the network can offer. Because of...

  • 廉洁与合规准则

